Saturday, October 25, 2008


On Wednesday, we went to Garrett's school for an awards assembly. I received a note the previous week saying that he was going to get an award. I guess the only hold award assemblies right before they track off. So, we go and we sit through all the other awards...terrific kids, WOW kids, most improved and a couple of others that I can't remember. Then the principal announces that the last awards are the principal awards for the students that have overall academic achievement. guessed it...he got the principal award! I think he was surprised even though he says that he knew, but I think he was more surprised to see his daddy there to see him get it. He had a huge grin on his face when he walked up and looked over to see me and then his face lit up when he saw his daddy! Way to go Garrett! We're so proud of you.

It's going, going, gone!

This past Tuesday, October 21st, Garrett lost his first tooth. He has had a loose tooth for a couple of weeks or maybe about a week. Anyways, Aaron was moving it around and heard a pop and then another pop. Then he came running down stairs to get a cup of water and told me that Garrett's tooth was coming out. We headed upstairs and he finished pulling out his tooth. Garrett was so excited. He also talks a little funny now. The tooth fairy left him $2.00 and two pieces of gum. Geez, when I lost my tooth I think I only got 25 cents.

Here's a look at his first baby tooth that he has lost!

Here's the new Garrett with one less tooth.

Fun Times!

So, I had another birthday on the 14th. I'm 32 now! I celebrated early with my friend, Ali. She came by and brought lunch, cake and a present. She gave me a beautiful bracelet from Brighton that has charms on it in honor of National Breast Cancer month. Then on the actual "Big Day," Aaron and the kids (minus Brooke) and I went to Disneyland. I wanted the kids to see it all decorated for Halloween.

Oh...did I mention that she brought the kids goodies too!

Who doesn't love Disneyland...even at Halloween time! I can't wait to go back for Christmas.

After Disneyland, we went to dinner at downtown Disney at some Pizza place. Inside was a guy who made things out of balloons. He made Reese a princess crown and Garrett a helmet, shield and sword.

Then around that Thursday or Friday (Oct. 16 & 17), we are calling it that Brooke walks. However, she only walks when she wants to do it. She still prefers crawling. Although, she will get up from crawling and walk to where she wants to get to...on a "nobody is watching" so I think I will sneak it in basis. We think that part of her problem is that she curls her toes when walking and then she looses her balance.
Can you see her little toes all curled up?

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Brooke's first steps

She has been taking little steps for awhile now, but the other day was the first time she would actually walk back and forth between Aaron and me.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Little milestones

So, last week I didn't blog and this week hasn't been any better. Now that the new T.V. season has begun, I don't seem to find any extra time at the end of the day to blog. I have also been trying to catch up on my reading. I am finally reading "The Kite runner" I have had this book for over a far I love it!

This week I decided to put Brooke's hair in little pig tails. She looks like such a toddler when I do this and that is why it is a little milestone for her. Yes, I am still waiting for the much bigger and much anticipated milestone...walking. She doesn't seem the least bit interested. Why should she...she has everyone to carry her around!

I mentioned before that Reese got homework but this week she got a homework packet. It isn't due until next Tuesday but, man, she has a lot of work to do. Oh...she got sent to time-out at school this week. She refused to clean up at school and she chose to go to time-out over cleaning up. However, she did have to clean up when she came out. Yet again, another milestone for Reese...homework and her first time-out in school.

Garrett got his AWANA vest this week. He was so excited especially since last week he said that he was the only one who didn't have a vest in his class. Now he is working on his patches so now we have AWANA's homework, too.