- On the way to school today, Reese told me to take Chino Avenue instead of the way we always take.
- Garrett saw a FedEx truck today and said, "That's the truck that brought Reese's new car seat".
- Went to Starbucks today and got my decaf-iced vanilla latte (yummy) and a chocolate milk for Reese.
- Went to lunch with my friends from work (my old work) at Applebee's. My old job-share partner is expecting her little girl in June so we gave her presents for her new little one.
- The kids had swim lessons again today instead of Thursday. Reese is pretty much over her fear and is doing quite well. Garrett did awesome again!
- Did I mention what happened to Reese last week while swimming? After lessons, she went into the spa and forgot that it was not the pool with the "kiddy" step. She stepped into the middle of the spa and frantically kicked her arms and legs to get above the water. I had to jump in and pull her up. She had her hand on the step the whole time but just panicked.
- Brooke had beets today for the first time and her new love are the Gerber fruit puffs.
- Garrett wants a T.V. in his room and we keep telling him no. This weekend he decided to draw a T.V. and tape it to his wall. Then he made a remote with the numbers 0-9. Now he says he can watch T.V. in his room.
- Garrett scored 3 goals on Saturday which was his last game of spring soccer.
10. Today was another hot day! The next two days are suppose to cool off and then heat up once again.