He wrote it all by himself. He even made lines to write on.

2. On Saturday, Aaron, Garrett and Reese went to the preschool for daddy and me day. They had donughts and juice and then made and painted an airplane.
Don't they look cute with their daddy?
3. Reese made nose prints at school last week and I thought they were so cute that I had to share them.
Doesn't she have a cute, little nose?

4. On Sunday, we all went swimming at the Graces' house. It was the first time for Brooke and she loved the water. I think we have another swimmer on our hands.
5. Brooke took a 5 hour nap on Sunday. I think that her teeth may be bothering her and this is her way of dealing with it.
6. Brooke is still trying to crawl. I really need to find a gate for the game room. We made a make-shift gate and she crawled under it on Saturday. I would use the gate we used with Reese but she knocks it down to get out and that defeats the purpose of protecting Brooke from the stairs.
7. We got our new DVD system put in our van this weekend and the kids are so excited to ride in the van. They love sitting there with their head phones on watching t.v. Little do they know that I am going easy on them this week and then from now on it is occasional t.v. watching in the car.
8. I finally got around to taking pictures of Brooke in the bath. I think the last time I took them she was just a few weeks old. It seems like I have a ton of bath pictures of Garrett, a little less of Reese and on two occasions of Brooke. I'm sorry Brooke, I'll try to take more.
Bath Baby!
9. I mentioned in an earlier post about Brooke's eye red, swollen and gooey. Well, I think she may have had pink eye. I was talking to someone today and they mentioned that their daughter had the same symptoms and it was pink eye. Her eye looks better. The eyelid is still a little red and there is a little discharge but it looks good. I feel like such a horrible mom, but I guess it healed itself.
10. I know that Aaron forgot to call his dad yesterday and so did I. So, if Papa "T" is reading this, we want to wish him a happy be-lated birthday!
1 comment:
I LOVE #1.... Garrett is so freaking hilarious!!! he is quite the creative one in the family!
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