So, it's been awhile but from the title I guess you can guess why. Also, we have been having issues with our server and I'm not a patient person when it comes to computers. If it doesn't come up quickly then I don't bother. Well, let's just get right to the good stuff...
Olympics at Eastvale Elementary...this took place on September 10th.
I went to help out with this event. I will spare you the angry post about this event and give you a more calm account of what took place. Basically, parents were rigging it so their child could win gold medals, therefore, there were kids at the end that did not end up with medals. I made sure that I mentioned that to the afternoon room mom. Well, she didn't listen and at the end there were 8 kids that didn't receive medals while some kids had 3 or more. Why the teachers felt they needed to give out gold, silver and bronze medals for each event is beside me, except, for the fact that they are young and do not yet have children of there own, nor do they have enough teaching experience to realize that these are 4 and 5 year old kids that they are dealing with. Well, Garrett was one of the 8 that didn't receive a medal and he composed himself well, but one other little boy buried his face in his hands and began to cry. I think that upset me more than anything, good thing his parents weren't there! The teachers quickly scrambled to give out 8 more medals based on sportsmanship. I was terribly disappointed in his teachers. I would never have done that in front of parents. This whole process clearly was not careful thought out or planned. Other than that, Garrett had fun participating in the Olympics!
Garrett doing the long jump.
On the 12th of September, I had the one year anniversary for Stroller Strides. I can't believe that when I began Brooke was only 7 weeks old and now she is almost 14 months. Wow, how time flies! I tried to take lots of pictures but my camera wasn't working right...go figure. I did win a gift certificate to a sporting store, which happens to be owned by my friend's in-laws. I gave it to Aaron because I thought he could use it more than I could. Here are the few pictures that I did get...
Brooke today loving her stroller!
Here are the two girls posing on their stroller...last year Reese only got to go on Fridays because of preschool but this year she gets to go everyday that mommy and Brooke go. It makes for an interesting workout...she's my own little personal trainer!
The next day, Garrett had his soccer game. He did awesome. He got a hat trick! He was so excited. He really loves playing soccer this year and he so competitive! He wants to win and he gets upset if his team is losing. At the soccer game, Reese tripped over my dad's feet and hit her cheek. She ended up getting a huge bruise that is still healing and even gave her her first shiner. I guess I should take a picture of that...I'll try tomorrow and add it if I remember.
Chasing down the other team!
Today, Reese got her first homework assignment. She has to write the letters on all her animal friends. They made these cute little puppets made out of animals that correspond with the letters. She actually knows them. She is constantly amazing me when I pretend to not listen. If I ask her to do something academic she pretends like she doesn't know a darn thing but if I just pretend like I'm doing something else she will do it. She is such a stinker! Also, while we were getting in the car today, she said that she liked Garrett and having him as a big brother. I thought that was very sweet of her.
Brooke being silly.
She likes to pretend that she is doing a somersault...although, she does this just to be funny!
LOVE the updates... and I'm HATING "those" kinder parents right along with you... The nerve of some people!!! Can't wait to see you Friday!! :)
congrats on a year of stroller strides!!
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