Thursday, November 6, 2008

Hair Cut

On Saturday, I took Reese to get her second hair cut in her entire life. If you've seen her recently, her hair basically has two different layers. When her is down, she looks like a child from the eighties. Do you remember the mullet? I didn't want to cut it for fear her hair would never grow back but something had to be done.

I asked her before we cut it if it was okay to cut it short. I explained to her that she wouldn't be able to wear her hair in a pony tail anymore. She said that was okay as long as she could have two little ponies on the top. I re-assured her that she could. I think I was more hesitant about cutting her hair. I just didn't want to cut it short and barely grow out by the time she went to kindergarten. Now that it's done, her hair does look much healthier and fuller...if that is at all possible. She loves it because it's new. She's happy and that's all that matters!

Reese with her new hair cut.

I wanted to cry when I saw how much hair was cut off!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Halloween Fun!

This year, Garrett was Batman, Reese was Belle and Brooke was a cheerleader. We started the evening off by having dinner at the Graces house. We took some group pictures and then went out trick-or-treating. Reese started to get tired early and sat in the wagon while Garrett continued on with his quest of getting as much candy as possible. Brooke was as good as ever just sitting in the stroller while her brother and sister collected all the candy.

The kids decorated their pumpkins that they got at the pumpkin patch with markers, yarn and wiggly eyes.

Belle and her pumpkin.

All the kids before the festivities begin.


Half-way done and already they are showing signs of exhaustion.

Just being silly!

After, the entire block was having a party outside but we were all exhausted and just decided to head in for the night. But, before we went in the kids went in the haunted house that our neighbor made. They actually liked it and didn't see the least bit afraid.

Pumpkin Patch

Last Monday, the kids and I headed to Live Oak pumpkin patch with my friends Sue, Karina and their kids. When we got there, we discovered that the rides, jumpers and pony rides didn't open until three. It was around 12:30ish. We ended up going along with some school kids for an informational session about pumpkins. We even got to pick out our own little pumpkin at the the small price of $7.00 a person (children one and under were free, so you bet I told them that Brooke was only 1).

All the kids (Justin, Garrett, Lily, Tori, Reese and Jordyn) and Sue riding along in the wagon.

Mommy and Brooke enjoying the ride.

It was still fun for the kids to learn about how the pumpkins grow and we even got to go on a ride around the pumpkin patch. Later, we hung out, had lunch, went looking for pumpkins in the pumpkin patch and then, finally, went on some rides.

Most of the kids trying to pose for a picture with their pumpkins!

Brooke loved her little pumpkin that she would not let go of it!

Okay, we went a little late in the season for pumpkin picking. All of the good pumpkins were gone and all that remained were the yucky ones. The kids still had fun looking at all the pumpkins. Here the kids are hot and anxiously waiting for the rides to open.

Finally, the rides open and they get to ride on the ponies.

Pictures by the wagon full of pumpkins.

Saturday, October 25, 2008


On Wednesday, we went to Garrett's school for an awards assembly. I received a note the previous week saying that he was going to get an award. I guess the only hold award assemblies right before they track off. So, we go and we sit through all the other awards...terrific kids, WOW kids, most improved and a couple of others that I can't remember. Then the principal announces that the last awards are the principal awards for the students that have overall academic achievement. guessed it...he got the principal award! I think he was surprised even though he says that he knew, but I think he was more surprised to see his daddy there to see him get it. He had a huge grin on his face when he walked up and looked over to see me and then his face lit up when he saw his daddy! Way to go Garrett! We're so proud of you.

It's going, going, gone!

This past Tuesday, October 21st, Garrett lost his first tooth. He has had a loose tooth for a couple of weeks or maybe about a week. Anyways, Aaron was moving it around and heard a pop and then another pop. Then he came running down stairs to get a cup of water and told me that Garrett's tooth was coming out. We headed upstairs and he finished pulling out his tooth. Garrett was so excited. He also talks a little funny now. The tooth fairy left him $2.00 and two pieces of gum. Geez, when I lost my tooth I think I only got 25 cents.

Here's a look at his first baby tooth that he has lost!

Here's the new Garrett with one less tooth.

Fun Times!

So, I had another birthday on the 14th. I'm 32 now! I celebrated early with my friend, Ali. She came by and brought lunch, cake and a present. She gave me a beautiful bracelet from Brighton that has charms on it in honor of National Breast Cancer month. Then on the actual "Big Day," Aaron and the kids (minus Brooke) and I went to Disneyland. I wanted the kids to see it all decorated for Halloween.

Oh...did I mention that she brought the kids goodies too!

Who doesn't love Disneyland...even at Halloween time! I can't wait to go back for Christmas.

After Disneyland, we went to dinner at downtown Disney at some Pizza place. Inside was a guy who made things out of balloons. He made Reese a princess crown and Garrett a helmet, shield and sword.

Then around that Thursday or Friday (Oct. 16 & 17), we are calling it that Brooke walks. However, she only walks when she wants to do it. She still prefers crawling. Although, she will get up from crawling and walk to where she wants to get to...on a "nobody is watching" so I think I will sneak it in basis. We think that part of her problem is that she curls her toes when walking and then she looses her balance.
Can you see her little toes all curled up?

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Brooke's first steps

She has been taking little steps for awhile now, but the other day was the first time she would actually walk back and forth between Aaron and me.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Little milestones

So, last week I didn't blog and this week hasn't been any better. Now that the new T.V. season has begun, I don't seem to find any extra time at the end of the day to blog. I have also been trying to catch up on my reading. I am finally reading "The Kite runner" I have had this book for over a far I love it!

This week I decided to put Brooke's hair in little pig tails. She looks like such a toddler when I do this and that is why it is a little milestone for her. Yes, I am still waiting for the much bigger and much anticipated milestone...walking. She doesn't seem the least bit interested. Why should she...she has everyone to carry her around!

I mentioned before that Reese got homework but this week she got a homework packet. It isn't due until next Tuesday but, man, she has a lot of work to do. Oh...she got sent to time-out at school this week. She refused to clean up at school and she chose to go to time-out over cleaning up. However, she did have to clean up when she came out. Yet again, another milestone for Reese...homework and her first time-out in school.

Garrett got his AWANA vest this week. He was so excited especially since last week he said that he was the only one who didn't have a vest in his class. Now he is working on his patches so now we have AWANA's homework, too.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy!

So, it's been awhile but from the title I guess you can guess why. Also, we have been having issues with our server and I'm not a patient person when it comes to computers. If it doesn't come up quickly then I don't bother. Well, let's just get right to the good stuff...

Olympics at Eastvale Elementary...this took place on September 10th.

The A.M. and P.M. kinder classes singing a patriotic song.

I went to help out with this event. I will spare you the angry post about this event and give you a more calm account of what took place. Basically, parents were rigging it so their child could win gold medals, therefore, there were kids at the end that did not end up with medals. I made sure that I mentioned that to the afternoon room mom. Well, she didn't listen and at the end there were 8 kids that didn't receive medals while some kids had 3 or more. Why the teachers felt they needed to give out gold, silver and bronze medals for each event is beside me, except, for the fact that they are young and do not yet have children of there own, nor do they have enough teaching experience to realize that these are 4 and 5 year old kids that they are dealing with. Well, Garrett was one of the 8 that didn't receive a medal and he composed himself well, but one other little boy buried his face in his hands and began to cry. I think that upset me more than anything, good thing his parents weren't there! The teachers quickly scrambled to give out 8 more medals based on sportsmanship. I was terribly disappointed in his teachers. I would never have done that in front of parents. This whole process clearly was not careful thought out or planned. Other than that, Garrett had fun participating in the Olympics!

Garrett doing the balance beam.

Garrett doing the long jump.

On the 12th of September, I had the one year anniversary for Stroller Strides. I can't believe that when I began Brooke was only 7 weeks old and now she is almost 14 months. Wow, how time flies! I tried to take lots of pictures but my camera wasn't working right...go figure. I did win a gift certificate to a sporting store, which happens to be owned by my friend's in-laws. I gave it to Aaron because I thought he could use it more than I could. Here are the few pictures that I did get...

Brooke today loving her stroller!

Brooke a year ago when I began stroller strides.

Here are the two girls posing on their stroller...last year Reese only got to go on Fridays because of preschool but this year she gets to go everyday that mommy and Brooke go. It makes for an interesting workout...she's my own little personal trainer!

The next day, Garrett had his soccer game. He did awesome. He got a hat trick! He was so excited. He really loves playing soccer this year and he so competitive! He wants to win and he gets upset if his team is losing. At the soccer game, Reese tripped over my dad's feet and hit her cheek. She ended up getting a huge bruise that is still healing and even gave her her first shiner. I guess I should take a picture of that...I'll try tomorrow and add it if I remember.

Chasing down the other team!

Another big kick!

Today, Reese got her first homework assignment. She has to write the letters on all her animal friends. They made these cute little puppets made out of animals that correspond with the letters. She actually knows them. She is constantly amazing me when I pretend to not listen. If I ask her to do something academic she pretends like she doesn't know a darn thing but if I just pretend like I'm doing something else she will do it. She is such a stinker! Also, while we were getting in the car today, she said that she liked Garrett and having him as a big brother. I thought that was very sweet of her.

Brooke being silly.

She likes to pretend that she is doing a somersault...although, she does this just to be funny!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Just a few of my favorite things...

When Reese was about one, I bought this outfit for her at the gymboree outlet store. I loved the whole flip-flop line. Needless to say, this was one of my favorite outfits. I was so excited to use it again on Brooke.

I just love her cute smile and the way she poses when it's time to take her picture.

We went to the store after I picked up Garrett from school yesterday. While going by the seafood section, the man working in the meat and seafood department asked Garrett and Reese if they wanted to see an octopus. Of course they said "yes". He came back with this frozen baby octopus. He let them touch it and feel the tentacles (with gloves on). They thought that was just the coolest thing.

One of mine and the kids' favorite dinner is Linguine with shrimp and lemon oil. I saw it on Everyday Italian. Garrett asks me to make it every chance I get and I don't mind because it is so simple, easy and flavorful.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Labor Day Fun!

We sure were busy this Labor day!

The weekend started off with Garrett having a sleep over for the very first time. He had his best friend, Justin, stay the night. The ate pizza and stayed up late to watch the Angel game. They didn't go to bed until around 10:30 p.m.

The gang smiling for a group picture.

The next three days we had barbeques to attend. Saturday was the first of the three barbeques. We headed out to Temecula to visit with our friends, Angie and Jared, Shawn and Roseann, Chris and all the kids. We ate, swam and played the wwii (I think that is how you spell it). Of course, I forgot my camera, so I don't have any pictures to share with you of this day.

Sunday, we headed over to my parents' house to swim and barbeque while Aaron was at the Nascar race. Once again I forgot my camera.

On Labor day, our neighbor's, Sue and Daryl, had a get-together. We swam once again and ate way too much food! Well...I did!

Garrett going for a ride on Dani's back. I think he has a secret crush on her.

Just floating along and relaxing!

The whole bunch of them swimming.

Ah! Nothing like leaning back on daddy and drinking a nice, cold bottle of milk.

Now that school is back in session, it seems as though everyone is signing up their kids for dance. What use to be a class of three little girls in Reese's dance class has turned into six. One of which is a 2 1/2 year old that just ran around and didn't follow directions at all. I felt bad for her because she had no interest or clue what was going on. Her mom said that she might be too young but she was going to push her. Now is that any fun? Personally, she is just going to be a distraction to the other girls who are there to learn, more work for the teacher, and take away important learning from the other girls. Can you tell I'm a former teacher? We'll see if she is there next week and if she is and continues this way then I just might have to say something to the owner. I think it's okay to start them at 2 1/2 if they are developmentally ready, mature and ask to be in dance, however, this little one is clearly not there on all three levels. I could tell that the teacher was becoming frustrated dealing with her and no one wants a frustrated teacher. Okay, enough of my complaining! Here is a cute picture of Reese standing and waiting her turn.

I just thought this was so cute because her little behind is so cute in her dance outfit. I also love the way she has her hands just so on her hips. Too cute!