Monday, June 9, 2008


Saturday, we planned on going to a birthday party but Reese woke up from her nap with a fever. So, we didn't go. We had another birthday party to go to on Sunday and I didn't want any of the kids to get sick. She broke the fever but still has a nasty cough. Aaron discovered that Brooke can go from scooting to sitting up. He asked when she first did that. I said a couple of days ago. He was a little hurt or upset. I'm not sure which one, but he said that I called with the other two when they did that or anything. I told him it's the third kid and I don't have as much time. I'm lucky I have time to clean, cook, shower, eat, take pictures and do this.

Sunday, all the kids slept in along with mom and dad. Reese didn't wake up until 9:30, once in a lifetime, don't think that you'll get that lucky this weekend, grandma. We did go to the other birthday party. We went to Chuck E. Cheese. The kids ran around like crazy kids but they had fun. Then Reese woke up with a fever again. I think she didn't fully recover. She just laid on the couch and was extremely mellow.

Today, I can tell that Reese still isn't herself because she put herself in time out. I asked her why she was in time out and she said because she cried. Now, if you know Reese, this is totally out of her normal behavior.

Tonight is Garrett's graduation from his little kindergarten, even though he is doing it again; therefore, I'll have pictures and maybe some video.

Here is Garrett in my old classroom last Tuesday. We went to collect some of the remaining things that I still had there and I still have to go back to collect the last little bit.

Garrett took this picture of Brooke.

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