Well, yesterday was in the 100's again. The kids needed to get out and my parents just returned from Hawaii, so we decided to go to their house to go swimming.
We stopped to get lunch, before we went swimming, at Carl's Jr. Reese said that she wanted a hamburger, which is not usual, with nothing on it. When we get to my parents' house I gave her half of the hamburger. She took forever to eat it and when she only had 1/4 of it left, she gave it to the dog. So, I gave her another 1/4 and went to the car to get sunscreen and wouldn't you know it, she threw it in the trash. So, finally I gave her the last 1/4 of the hamburger to eat and stayed there to make sure she ate it. I did this because she was eating slow and by this time just want to be finished so she could go swimming. She ate it but it took her forever to chew it and swallow it. You'll see her in the video still chewing instead of swimming.
Brooke loved swimming. She is at that stage where she thinks that she can put her face in the water and just drink it. The other night when I was giving her and Reese a bath, she went from sitting into her crawling position and wanted to crawl in the tub. Then she stuck her face into the water. I had to quickly grab her and pull her up. It happened so quickly while I was bathing Reese. It's scary how fast a little one can easily drown in just a small amount of water.
My brother, his girlfriend and her friend went swimming with us. My brother, Justin, taught Garrett how to do a cannon ball. Then that's all he wanted to do.

She couldn't find her goggles so she wouldn't put her face in the water.

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