1. Last Saturday and Sunday, June 21 and 22, Reese and I were up half the night. She was complaining that her ear hurt. Of course, Aaron was in Armenia so I was exhausted the next mornings. It turns out that she had an ear infection. Her first one ever!
2. Brooke discovered these things called yogurt melts at my friend Karina's house. They just melt in your mouth. She loves them! When we were over at my friend Karina's house, her little girl is 7 weeks older and crawls fast and on her hands and knees. I could see Brooke watching her and trying to figure out how she does it. Well, the next day Brooke got up on her hands and knees and began crawling. Go figure!
3. I turned in my letter of resignation last Thursday. I am officially out of a job. :(
4. My friend, Ali, watched Brooke and Reese while I went and collected the last of my things at work last Thursday. Brooke did not like staying there and she did not like drinking her formula. I guess I will have to start pumping again.
Here the kids made a train out of the diaper box. They had fun pushing each other around.

5. Garrett and some friends were outside riding their bikes and one of the dads brought out a bike ramp. Garrett was so cautious when he would go over it. He didn't understand that the faster you go the easier it is to make it over. He would slow down before he would even get to the ramp. He gets that from his mommy. Then his friend, Justin, was trying out one to the other neighbors' dirt bike and Garrett said; "I don't want him to get hurt. I hope he is careful and that his daddy holds on tight." Garrett said that he doesn't want to try riding a dirt bike until he is about 6 or 7.
6. While the boys were riding on their bikes the girls were pushing Brooke around in her little push car. They would stop periodically and do funny things. I then heard Reese say that they had to go to the next station to do some more exercises. It turns out they were playing "stroller strides".
7. Now, Garrett wants a phone, computer and a desk in his room. He is also obsessed with watching "How it's made".
8. Yesterday, Garrett was telling me all about recycling as I was putting the baby jar into the recycling trash can. He was telling me which things we should recycle and how it helps keep the earth clean. He said he learned it from one of the shows on play house Disney.
9. Out of the blue today, Reese tells me in the car that "Cinderella does have blue eyes."
10. I took the kids to get their 4th of July pictures done today. Brooke screamed because she was afraid of the photographer. I couldn't get one of her smiling and they misspelled "Happy" on one of the pictures and I had to all the way back to get it re-printed. However, Ali and her girls stopped by to drop off Brooke's early birthday present and some sweet treats. Aaron says Ali is so funny because she is always buying our kids' presents. I think she needs grandchildren to spoil but until then I guess she can use ours as substitutes. They love her just as much!
Here I am a year ago...
here we are today. I can't believe she was still in my belly a year ago. It goes by too fast!
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