So, this past Saturday we had Brooke's first birthday party. Grandma and Papa "T" came all the way from Arizona to visit and celebrate with us. I did a cupcake theme for her first birthday along with a big water slide for the kids to slide down and have fun. I don't think Brooke knew much of what was going on but everyone else had a great time.
When it was time for cake, she tried to grab the candle by the flame.
She so delicately stuck her fingers in the cake but eventually she dug in and got messy!
Then when we did the pinata, we kept hearing a ding every time the kids hit it. Apparently, there was some kind of wire in the pinata to make it extra sturdy. Gotta love the real pinatas made at the Mexican party stores. They know how to build them to last!
Brooke and her baby doll while mommy opened her presents.
This was the best family picture at the end of a long day!.jpg)
Monday, Grandma and Papa "T" left to go home and I was exhausted from the weekend!
Tuesday, we headed over to my friend Ali's house for a swim day. Just as we were sitting down to eat, a 5.4 earthquake hit. Her girls grabbed Garrett and Reese and Ali and I were trying to move Brooke's high chair to the door. Eventually, we got Brooke out and all headed outside. Of course, Garrett didn't want to go back inside for fear that another earthquake might strike. Then he needed to know how earthquakes happen. So, he was obsessed with how earthquakes happen. As soon as we got home, he turned on the news so he could hear all about the earthquake. Then daddy told him about how earthquakes are caused by the two plates underground move over each other. Well, now he wants to see a map of all the different plates in the earth.
Wednesday, I made the kids a snack tray for lunch. I saw this on a DVD for juice plus. The Dr. Sears was saying how he did this for his kids when they were little so they could eat a variety of food and snack throughout the day. On another note, when I called them to eat, I asked Reese were she was and she said she was checking her email. Too cute!
The did good with the snack tray. They ate everything except the celery. The finished the kiwi's and blueberries after nap time.
Another funny thing that Reese said today, Brooke had a poopie diaper and she smelled her butt to check and then she said; "we have a winner." I guess she hears me say that a little too much!