1. At Garrett's Back to school night, we were asked to be there at 6:00. I looked around and noticed that there weren't that many parents there for Back to School. We quickly learned the hard way that all the newbies came at 6:00 because that is how the deceive parents into a PTA meeting. I won't make that mistake again!
2. Brooke got her fourth tooth. It is her upper front tooth. So, she is officially on table food. Well, last week I gave her some banana with her waffle and I caught her smelling her banana before tasting it. Apparently, she didn't like the way it smelled or tasted. She has never cared for bananas and still doesn't.
You can't see her tooth but I thought it was a cute picture.

3. While were on the subject of food...the other day at lunch, while I was at the refrigerator getting my lunch, Reese announces that she gave Brooke a carrot. I quickly turn around to find Brooke gnawing on something. I run over to her high chair and pull out half of a baby carrot. I explained to Reese that she can't just give Brooke anything to eat. I then told her that she is not allowed to give Brooke food unless mommy tells her to do so. It was a scary moment for me!
4. On the way home from school the other day, Reese let me know that her teacher is a mama like me and that her house is also a school and then she said; "Isn't that strange?" Too cute!
5. Then the next time I picked her up she didn't want to leave. She told me that they were dancing and her teacher has the same song as mommy's music. It's the Hap Palmer "Getting to know myself" CD. She loves the "Sammy" song and so do I!
6. Brooke is standing on her own all the time!
It's hard to catch her standing all on her own with no support so this was the best that I could get.
7. Garrett's homework is still a joke. The last 2 weeks he had to just to a collage of for the color of the week. This week is the same with 3 pages of identifying objects that don't belong. That's it! I know they said that they take it slow but this is ridiculous.
8. Our water heater broke, the warranty ran out last October and we had to spend a small fortune to replace it. Yeah!
9. This past Saturday was opening day for Fall soccer. Aaron is a referee this year as well as assistant coach. Garrett did great. He scored 2 goals and really stayed in there this time. He also kept track of the score for his team and the other team (even though score isn't kept). He wants to win all the time now. Aaron thinks that has made all the difference in him being more aggressive. He's probably right.
There they are "The Green Machine".

Don't you just love Aaron's referee outfit. I especially love the socks. I think they make the whole outfit.
10. The kids were talking about how they want to get a pool. I told them that I would have to go back to work if we got a pool. I asked them if they wanted me to go back to work and Garrett then says; "yes, please so we can hurry up and get a pool!"
11. Did I mention that Aaron got a motorcycle?...well scooter/motorcycle. It goes a maximum of 60mph so it's faster than a scooter.
1 comment:
Love the new look of the blog. I swear Shaena, your kids say the cutest things I have ever heard! Everytime I read your blog, it makes me smile!
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