2. Aaron was gone since last Thursday and just got back late last night. He had a great time on his baseball trip to Boston, New York and Washington, D.C.
In Boston at the Cheers bar.

Aaron and Jared at Yankee stadium.

Aaron at the Washington monument.

3. Yesterday, we went to Garrett's school for a meet and greet with his new teacher. I was talking with her and they said that they go pretty slow the first trimester, now I know this being a former kindergarten teacher, but the mom in me is worried that he'll be bored.
4. Reese started her new preschool today. She waved with a big smile on her face and said; "Bye". The teacher had play-doh so I think that was a big plus.

5. Garrett started another year of kindergarten. I just hope he isn't too bored! He actually looks like one of the taller kids in his class. When I picked him up he didn't seem like he was bored, in fact, he said that they were very busy today. That made me feel much better.

6. I found out today just before taking Garrett to school, there was an opening in the morning class and they offered it to me. So, of course, I took it. Yeah!
7. However, with Garrett at school this afternoon and the girls down napping, it was very peaceful and I had some quality time to myself.
8. Brooke is officially cruising and constantly pulling herself on everything and anything.
9. The other night while I was reading Reese a book, Garrett sat next to me and decided he wanted to read "I love you forever" by himself. I helped him a little bit and he did really well. Eventually, he wanted me to finish reading the book to him.
10. Is it ever going to cool off?
are you teaching again?!?
Your children are adorable and hilarious! I love reading what Grrett or Reese is going to say next! Thanks for sharing your blog with me.
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